Bank of America

Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2023 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I liked the internship structure and mentorship.

What I wish was different

More interaction with other interns on different floors


Be willing to ask open minded questions and share ideas
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Sales & Trading Summer Analyst

January - August 2023 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Three rotations, numerous info sessions, overall great exposure to the firm's different business lines

What I wish was different

Feedback sessions are only available at the end of each rotation. I wish there could be one in the mid


Have a growth mindset
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Summer analyst

June - August 2023 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The training process was very rigorous and hands-on

What I wish was different

We could have had a couple more training sessions before delving into deal teams


be prepared to work hard
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Summer wealth management analyst

June - August 2023 • Washington, DC

What I liked

The people I worked with were incredibly knowledgeable and were extremely welcoming.

What I wish was different

I wish the location was closer to home. But DC was a great experience!


I am proud of all the effort I put into the internship. I’d made me happy knowing my work was valued and was considered part of the team.
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Financial Management Intern (Corporate)

June - August 2023 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great culture and good mentors

What I wish was different

Many interns had pure busy work


Make sure your boss knows you’re capable of real work and projects
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Relationship Banker

December 2022 • Placentia, CA

What I liked

Team environment is great. You work somewhere where everyone’s enjoys what they’re doing.

What I wish was different


Go get that job. Even if you think you have no chance or are under qualified go apply.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2023 • New York City, NY

What I liked

It was a really supportive and friendly team; learned a lot about software development pipeline during the experience.

What I wish was different


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Global Tech Summer Analyst: Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2023 • Pennington, NJ

What I liked

The department I worked in was very fun and engaging. We got to do a lot of team outings.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more technical aspect to the internship.


Don't stress! the people are there to help you get the best of your experience.
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Software Engineer

June - August 2023 • Richmond, VA

What I liked

I appreciated the warm and welcoming culture I experienced. The individuals were always eager to assist whenever I required support.

What I wish was different

I believe the organization's selection process for assigning roles to interns could have been improved. If that had been the case, the outcome might have been different.


One piece of advice I would offer is to never be scared to speak up whenever the situation demands it.
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softwar engineer

June - August 2023 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

The onboarding process was really smooth. Nice supports for interns and work life balance.

What I wish was different


Actively network with people from different lines of business.
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Sales and Trading Summer Analyst

June - August 2023 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Employees were willing to dedicate time to teach you, and the rotational nature enabled continued learning across a variety of product groups without feeling leaving a feeling of plateau that would be more likely had I spent all 10 weeks with one team.

What I wish was different

The competitive nature of the internship in some way inhibited learning as the emphasis on delivering a trade pitch well in some ways limited creativity in taking on extra work around these deadlines despite what felt like diminishing return on the quality of work.


Relax. Being personable goes a long way to building relationships with your peers and supervisors, who will then be more inclined to spend time teaching you technical skills, give you responsibility and opportunity to showcase yourself and broadly vouch for your candidacy for a full time position.
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Corporate Financial Analyst

June - August 2023 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I liked how I was exposed to the fundamental FP&A skills used in my finance classes. I was able to not only apply these skills and understand core finance topics but also understand how different parts of a big bank work together towards a common goal.

What I wish was different

I wish my location was in New York City instead of Charlotte, so I could experience living in NYC before deciding to live there full time.


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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2023 • Pennington, NJ

What I liked

The freedom, hybrid scheduling, and the overall format of the internship that enabled me to learn a very large breadth of swe.

What I wish was different

Less time spent on setup and making sure I had the right dependencies and permissions.


Be ready to ask questions, and try to be very proactive.
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Compensation Analyst Intern

June - August 2022 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

The community created, everyone at the Bank wants you to succeed.

What I wish was different


Network and get to know the people around you
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Event Planner Intern

August - December 2019 • Moses Lake, WA

What I liked

Work with a lot of people and have a lot lf good advice in my career

What I wish was different

The way the event was using marketing, it could've been better.


Work in summer and in your "free time" cause you'll learn more for your future family and your future career.
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Private Wealth Management Intern

June - August 2019 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I liked the location. Interns were looked after under management and recieved different forms of compensation for example food.

What I wish was different

I wished that the program was more structured and encompassed more meaningful work. It is definitely a get someone coffee or print me something type of internship.


Because you are not doing much, you have to take the initiative and do things you are not directed to do. You have to think outside the box when it comes to projects.
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June - August 2022 • Randallstown, MD

What I liked

learning the ins and outs of the bank. working with many different customers and helping them resolve some of their issues.

What I wish was different

me doing more hands on things.


its a great learning experience and after doing that you get a view of whether you would like to work at a bank in the future or not.
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Private Wealth Management Intern

June - August 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The ability to shadow top producing Advisors

What I wish was different

More structure/organization


There is a lot of education, where the company teaches you about the industry. A lot of it is not actual work, but great experience.
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Private Wealth Management Intern

June - July 2022 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Colleagues, rotational overview

What I wish was different

Condensed orientation week


Get to know as many people you can.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great work life balance, nice coworkers, able to buy discounted food at the office, good discount on movie ticket prices.

What I wish was different

I hardly learned anything because i was hardly given any work to do.


Enjoy the city if you've never lived there before, just do the work you're given and you'll get a return offer.
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