The Cigna Group

What is a day in the life of a Business Development Associate like?

As a Business Development Associate, I had standard projects that I was responsibly for. Some of those projects were individual work and others were group projects. I would start my morning everyday reviewing my email and list of tasks or projects that need to be completed by the end of the week....
Day in the Life Business Development Insurance Associate Cigna Health Services
2 answers

How do I prepare for an interview for a Business Development Associate position at Cigna?

Through my experience, I prepared for the interview by intensively reviewing my resume as well as researching the organization. I would suggest creating a Cigna "Cheat Sheet" that encompasses all of your research on both Cigna as an organization as well as the Cigna Foundation. Understand the val...
Interview Business Development Insurance Associate Cigna Health Services
1 answer

How do I prepare for an interview for an actuarial internship?

Cigna values leadership experience and clear communication skills. To prepare for a Cigna interview, challenge yourself to think of ways to explain complex business or technical terms to non-technical people. In addition, try to think of times where you take charge of situation or problem and led...
Internship Interview Insurance Actuarial Cigna Health Services
1 answer

What is it like to be an actuarial intern at The Cigna Group?

Being an actuarial intern at Cigna is a balance between the core actuarial work, often done individually, and learning how to be an effective business leader working as part of a team. Actuarial interns are given a project to work on throughout the summer, culminating in a final presentation to t...
Internship Day in the Life Insurance Actuarial Cigna Health Services
1 answer